Summer School 2021 Building AIoT-enabled Products & Services
Summer School 2021 Building AIoT-enabled Products & Services
This year’s Summer School of the Ferdinand Steinbeis Institute will start on June 9, 2021 on the topic „Building AIoT-enabled Products & Services“. The 2 1/2 day event will take place from June 9 to 11, 2021 at the Heilbronn Bildungscampus. The goal is to bring together PhD students and young researchers from different research areas to design new ideas based on the AIoT framework (AI+IoT) in a practical way. On Wednesday, we start with the keynote of Thomas Bornheim, CEO 42 Heilbronn. During the evening socializing will be our focus to create new networks. The next day will be more practical – Building an AIoT framework. Johannes Schnabel of Campus Founder will emphasize this. Research and AIoT plays an important role on Friday – how can we do common research based on AIoT. Dr. Markus Böhm of the TU Munich will take up this question in his presentation.
As the Ferdinand Steinbeis Institute, we generate value creation in the context of digitalization and connectivity. We implement this directly during the development and testing of new business models in real-world scenarios. By working in ecosystems, we gather experiences and form business networks. In line with the mission of the Ferdinand Steinbeis Institute to generate immediate benefits and create ecosystems, the Summer School is designed to be practical and leaves enough room for networking. It will be held in the buildings of the Bildungscampus Heilbronn of the Dieter Schwarz Foundation. The campus is a modern place of long-life learning, housing a wide variety of educational institutions with an ideal combination of study programs and education opportunities.

However, the implementation of AIoT requires a lot of skills from different companies as well as the interplay of a wide range of competencies, methods, and architectures. In addition, existing processes in companies will change significantly through the use of technologies. The development and operation of AIoT solutions is also an essential task. The resulting question: „How can AIoT solutions be implemented well from the perspective of a project manager?
Let us define the answer together. We think that it requires a deep knowledge of research and the product design methodologies as well as customer closeness of the industry to find the right answer. A full-packed agenda is waiting for you with great keynote speakers, method experts, and of course further interesting researchers. See our program:
Kick-off: Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Location: 42 Heilbronn (Weipertstraße 8-10)
13:30 Uhr Get-together
14:00 Uhr KeyNote Thomas Bornheim (CEO, 42 Heilbronn)
15:00 Uhr 42 meets AIoT Lab Heilbronn (powerded by FSTI)
18:00 Uhr Socializing
Day 1: Thursday, June 10 2021
Location: Bildungscampus Heilbronn
09:30 Uhr Welcome and Summer School Introduction
10:00 Uhr Keynote Johannes Schnabel (Programm Manager bei CAMPUS FOUNDERS)
11:00 Uhr The AIoT Framework – delivering smart, connected products with AI and IoT
13:00 Uhr Part I: AIoT Business Model Creation
15:45 Uhr Part II: AIoT Solution Design
19:00 Uhr Evening Event with Speaker
Day 2: Friday, June 11 2021
Location: Bildungscampus Heilbronn
09:00 Uhr Recap & Exercise II: Results Presentation
10:00 Uhr Keynote Dr. Markus Böhm (Research Group Leader, Technical University of Munich)
11:00 Uhr Colloquium „AIoT in Research“ – Scientific Pitches Part I
13:00 Uhr Colloquium „AIoT in Research“ – Scientific Pitches Part II
15:00 Uhr Next steps – where are commonalities for common research
16:00 Uhr AIoT & Future Research 16:45 Uhr Closing and next steps
If you have any questions in advance, please contact Daniel Burkhardt or Ines Weybrecht.
Registration is free of charge. For registration, please send an email to info@ferdinand-steinbeis-institut.de
We need the following information from you:
full name
university/field of study/research focus